Sunday, November 20, 2011

Do It in The Dark 2011!

Hey Wesleyan,

It's November, which means it's time for Do It In the Dark, the senior wood-frame energy competition. Throughout the winter we're going to be giving away monthly prizes to the Senior Woodframes that use the least energy. We're awarding the first prize for September, full results below. September's top scoring house was 220 Cross, whose energy efficient residents will each a $10 gift certificate to dinner in Middletown. Stay tuned for October's results, and start saving energy so that your house can win in November and December.

Top Scoring Houses in October : (Energy Usage* in parenthesis)

220 Cross (6)
316 Washington (8)
266 Pine (9)
159 High – Earth House (10)
73-75 Lawn (11)
162 Church (11)
21 Vine (11)
23 Vine (12)
163 High – Russian House (12)
42 Miles (13)
109 Cross (13)
37 Home (14)
44 Home (14)
9 Vine (14)
48 Home (14)
42 Fountain (14)
344 Washington (14)
69 Fountain (14)
125 Cross (15)
22 Lawn – Turath (15)

-Adjusted for square footage, the worst 20 houses on our list use about 4 times more energy than the best 20, and most houses use about 2.5 times as much.

*Actually Btu/Sqft/HDD, or the amount of energy consumed adjusted for the square footage of the space and the outside temperature.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Second to Last Day of April Energy Fest!!

We're nearing the end of our competition! Tomorrow (Friday, 4/15) is the LAST DAY OF DATA COLLECTION. That means that today and tomorrow are your last days to make moves to reduce your energy consumption and win April Energy Fest!
Here are the rankings as of yesterday, Wednesday 4/13:

1. Nics 5, 5.5 & 6
2. Nics 7
3. Butt A
4. Butt B
5. Butt C
6. Clark
7. WestCo 3 & 4
8. Hewitt
9. Lo & Hi Rise
10. WestCo 1 & 2
11. Senior Fauver
12. Freshman Fauver

Monday, April 11, 2011

Rankings as of 4/10

Hey again, Wes energy-savers. We're entering the final few days of
April Energy Fest (we end on April 14th!) and as the weather gets
warmer, you should be able to conserve even more energy! Here are the
rankings as of Sunday, April 10th!

1. Nics 5, 5.5, 6
2. WestCo 3 & 4
3. Butt B
4. Nics 7
5. Butt A
6. Hewitt
7. Clark
8. Butt C
9. Lo & Hi Rise
10. WestCo 1 & 2
11. Senior Fauver
12. Freshman Fauver

Want to beat the Nics and win a party at your dorm? Try these tips:

1. Turn your heaters off. Put storm windows down if you have the heat on.
2. Turn communal fridges to the lowest setting.
3. Unplug mini-fridges and use the communal fridge.
4. Turn computers off and unplug them when you are not using them.
5. Save energy while you study by working outside your dorm. Use
printers in the libraries instead of in your dorm.
6. Take the stairs

Friday, April 8, 2011

Rankings for April Energy Fest's Dorm Competition as of 4/7

Here are the rankings for energy reduction in all the dorms on campus--as of Thursday 4/7. We've reached the end of the first week of the competition--only one more week to step up your game and reduce your consumption! Make sure you tell all your hallmates and friends to be conscious of their usage as well! A party with President Roth and free metal travel coffee mugs await you... if you beat out the formidable Nics 5-6 who are currently dominating!

1. Nics 5, 5.5 & 6
2. WestCo 3 & 4
3. Nics 7
4. Butt B
5. Butt A
6. Hewitt
7. Clark
8. Butt C
9. Lo & Hi Rise
10. WestCo 1 & 2
11. Senior Fauver
12. Freshman Fauver

Energy Competition Rankings as of 4/6

The Nics continue their impressive run in energy saving today. However, WestCo 3 &4 is edging in on their lead--beating out Nics 7 and almost catching up to the frugal Nics 5, 5.5 & 6! Keep up the good work WestCo 3 & 4 ...and maybe encourage your neighbors at WestCo 1 & 2 to step up their game...

1. Nics 5, 5.5, 6
2. WestCo 3 & 4
3. Nics 7
4. Butt B
5. Butt A
6. Hewitt
7. Clark
8. Butt C
9. Lo & Hi Rise
10. WestCo 1 & 2
11. Senior Fauver
12. Freshman Fauver

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day Four Rankings April Energy Fest's Dorm Competition!!

We've got the rankings for the fourth day of April Energy Fest's Inter-dorm Competition! It looks like the Nics are doing consistently well so far and that both Fauvers need to step their game up!

Rankings (as of 4/5):
1. Nics 5, 5.5 & 6
2. Nics 7
3. Butt B
4. Butt A
5. Butt C
6. Clark
7. Hewitt
8. WestCo 3&4
9. Hi & Lo Rise
10. WestCo 1 & 2
11. Senior Fauver
12. Freshman Fauver

Make sure that you not only work to reduce your own energy consumption but that you remind your hallmates to reduce their usage as well--you'll all benefit from the win!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Rankings for April Energy Fest's Inter-Dorm Competition!

Which dorm has seen the highest % reduction in their energy usage since the start of April Energy Fest?

Wesleyan's Inter-dorm Energy Competition kicked off on April 1st (and lasts until April 14th) and below are the rankings thus far! This data was compiled by Physical Plant over the past three days and will be continually updated throughout the two week competition. The winners will be announced shortly after the last day of the competition and will result in cool prizes and an awesome party for the winning dorm on Tuesday, April 19th.

Rankings (as of April 4th)
1. Nics 5, 5.5 & 6
2. Butt A
3. Butt B
4. Clark
5. Nics 7
6. Butt C
7. Lo Rise & Hi Rise
8. Westco 3 & 4
9. Hewitt
10. Westco 1 & 2
11. Freshman Fauver
12. Senior Fauver

Check back for updates and make an effort to reduce your consumption so you can bring pride to your dorm!

**This data controls for square footage of the dorms and the daily outside temperature. It also controls for specific dorm irregularities and inherent inefficiencies by comparing the percent reduction to a baseline figure of daily energy consumption for each dorm that was calculated during the weeks prior to the competition. Email us at with any questions, clarifications or suggestions.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Do it in the Dark Winners & Losers for January 2011

We've calculated the winners and losers for Do it in the Dark for January! Congratulations to the housemates of 6 Fountain Avenue and 37 Home Ave! Residents of both these houses will each receive a gift certificate to a restaurant of your choice.

This data is calculated in BTUs of energy/HDD/Square Ft... so it controls for temperature outside (HDD = heating degree day) and the size of your house (sq footage). The second category (most improved) is included because some houses have historically seemed to function at a higher level of efficiency than others, so we attempt to control for this by comparing a house's energy usage this month with the same month, the previous year.

Houses that had the least overall energy consumption:
1. **6 Fountain**
2. 64 Fountain
3. 10 Fountain A & B
4. 37 Home
5. 54 Home

Highest % Decline in Energy Usage From Previous Year:
1. **37 Home**
2. 6 Fountain
3. 7 Fountain
4. 64 Fountain
5. 54 Home Ave


Most Overall Consumption:
2 Fountain Ave
27 Brainard Ave
29 Miles Ave
231-233 Pine Street
51 Fountain Ave

Highest % Increase in Energy Usage:
2 Fountain
240 Washington Street
265 Pine Street
96 Lawn Ave
109 Cross Street

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Saving Energy in Your Dorm

Intrigued by the Wesleyan Energy Monitors? Interested in more ways to save energy in your dorm? Read on...

Energy monitors have appeared in residence halls across the Wesleyan campus this year, prompting mild curiosity and some confusion.

The Basics:
  • Wesleyan Energy Monitors (WEMs) measure total energy consumption in BTUs per square foot.
  • They display consumption on a 24-hour cycle. When you look at a WEM you see the total energy used between 12am that morning and the current time.
  • You also see the total amount of carbon that is being released into the atmosphere due to this energy usage.
  • Paying attention to your usage can help your dorm win a !GRAND ENERGY PRIZE!
For more information on the inspiration behind the program, see this informative Argus article.

Saving Energy:

Dorm life presents a unique opportunity for students to learn to regulate their energy consumption. Take advantage of this transition period, or risk dreading your monthly utility bill after graduation. That 24/7 decorative lighting, constantly turned-on laptop, and hot water laundry cost more than you think- for your paycheck and for the environment.


The bright clothes cycle, also known as the cold wash/ cold rinse cycle uses over 90% less energy than hot water and warm water cycles.

Price per load (electricity), based on water temperature

Wash/Rinse Setting

Electrical Use
Cost per load
Cost per year

Hot / Warm

4.5 kWh

Warm / Warm

3.5 kWh

Hot / Cold

2.8 kWh

Warm / Cold

1.9 kWh

Cold / Cold

0.3 kWh
Table is electrical cost only (excludes the cost of water, often 22¢/load). Top-loading washer.
Electricity @ 15¢/kWh, water heated electrically.

See how this was calculated.

You can maximize the cleaning potential of the cold water cycle by using laundry detergent specifically formulated for cold water use. To be especially healthy and environmentally friendly, choose concentrated laundry detergent free of petroleum distillates, phosphates, fragrances and dyes.

Subscribe to this blog for more tips on minimizing your energy consumption!

Table is credited to

Monday, January 31, 2011

Do it in the Dark Winners! ...and losers...

The results for Do it in the Dark's first month of energy monitoring (November) have been calculated by Physical Plant! There are winning houses in two different categories; the least total energy (btu/square foot) of all woodframes and the most improved energy usage compared to the same house (during the same month) the previous year.

And the winners are...

Least Total Energy (per sq foot):
118 Knowles Ave

Most Improved:
21 Vine Street

Congrats to the winners! They will be receiving a check for a free dinner at La Boca within the week!

And now for the losers! The following houses are the worst consumers of energy on campus and should attempt to lessen their usage...

Highest Energy Consumers (per sq foot):
51 Fountain
273 Pine
76 Lawn
107 Cross
29 Miles

Least Improved From Last Year:
107 Cross Street
69 Fountain
273 Pine
51 Fountain
109 Cross

See below for energy-saving tips!

Tips to reduce your energy consumption!


-If the heat is on and feels too hot, don’t open windows—turn the heat down! Open windows are the biggest wood-frame energy-waster.
-Keep your heat on between 65o-70o during the winter.


-Always turn off the lights when you leave a room.
-Wesleyan-provided lighting is the most efficient but if you require additional lighting, use compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL). They use 75% less energy than conventional incandescent bulbs and last 10 times longer. They’re available for purchase at Weshop.
-Don’t leave your decorative lighting (string lights, etc) on all the time
-Just because you didn’t leave the light on doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be one to turn it off…turn living room/kitchen lights off when you see that no one’s using them.

In the Kitchen:

-Cover pots when cooking or boiling water
-Don’t use an extra refrigerator. Fridges use an extraordinary amount of electricity, and mini-fridges are even less efficient.
-Set fridge on lower settings: very cold settings use more energy and can spoil your food and make your beer explode.
-Buy plates and silverware rather than using plastics and try to use actual towels instead of paper ones
-Start composting…you can get a free bucket from the Composting Committee by emailing them at When its full, you just empty it into the Green Machine nearest you. Keep in mind that meat and dairy can’t be composted.
-If you’re having a small party, use your reusable cups. If you use solo cups, you can recycle them with other plastics.
-Warning: Plastic cups from Usdan Cafe/Pi may say that they are compostable but CANNOT be used in your personal composting bucket. They can, however, be recycled.
-Recycling is easy; any plastic that has the numbers 1-7 written inside the recycling triangle CAN be recycled. This includes plastic containers for sandwiches, yogurt, coffee-cup lids, etc.

Water Usage:

-Hot water comes from your house's internal combustion system, so it takes a lot of energy to produce—reduce your hot shower time by shaving/washing your face/brushing your teeth outside the shower.
-If it’s yellow let it mellow.
-Don’t leave the water on while you wash the dishes—wash the dish, turn the water on to rinse the dish.
-When you are doing laundry use the bright clothes cycle (it won’t change how your clothes look and will use less water)
-Use a laundry rack to dry your clothing/towels— The average home clothes dryer has a carbon footprint of approximately 2 kilograms (4.4 pounds) of CO2 per load of laundry dried


-One computer left on 24 hours a day dumps 1,500 pounds of CO2 into the atmosphere.
-Put your computer on standby/sleep—don’t use a screensaver
-Use power management features on your computer (>System Preferences >Energy Saver for Macs). Tell it to turn-off your screen after 5 minutes and go on stand-by after 15 minutes.


-Unplug when you’re not using it! Many electronics like chargers, laptop cords, printers, and speakers consume energy while plugged in—even if they aren’t “on”.
-Use a power strip or surge protector so you can just switch it off to turn off all those appliances.
-When you leave for break—unplug everything!

Do it in the Dark Energy Competition

Do it in the Dark is Wesleyan's annual energy saving competition. We gather data regarding energy usage in each of the woodframe and program houses on campus and determine who are the best and the worst energy users. Shockingly the worst users use as much as 25 times more energy than their more frugal neighbors. Help us help the planet by cutting down your usage NOW!

We measure total energy consumption which includes gas, electrical, and oil. That means hot water, lights, computers, thermostats and everything else count, so start turning your sh@#$ down. The best house each month wins a free dinner of their choice in Middletown.