Friday, February 26, 2010

Composting Made Easy

Student volunteers and Physical Plant have made composting as easy as 1, 2, 3.

The Equation

1. Knowing what to compost PLUS
2. A 5 gallon bucket from PLUS
3. Taking out the trash (compostable material) to the Green Machine EQUALS

Reduced waste sent to public landfills+Degraded and eliminated pesticides in soil+ Minimized amount ofpollutants in stormwater runoff+ Reduced production of greenhouse gases*+

many other benefits!

So...What can you compost?
Tea bags, coffee grounds, cereals, grains, breads, fruits, vegetables, peels, cores, and eggshells.
Note: Please avoid composting overly processed grains and breads such as cooked pasta.

can't you compost?
Meat, dairy, oils, liquids, and non-organic items (plastic, metal, Styrofoam, etc.), and those plastic-like cups that claim to be 'compostable' rather than the more accurate term 'biodegradable.'

Compost Container Locations

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