Sunday, September 26, 2010


Ah memories....

Here's a video from the Waste Not! Tag Sale- September 2009.

Waste Not! is an EON-sponsored effort run by the sustainability interns to reduce unnecessary waste and encourage items to be recycled from year to year. At the end of the spring semester, student volunteers collect your unwanted items. Then, in the fall, we hold a HUGE tag sale to sell those items back to the community, thereby keeping valuable items out of the landfill and in circulation.

Past proceeds have gone to:
Amazing Grace (St. Vincent DePaul's food pantry)
The CT River Watch Program's CT River Coastal Conservation District

Friday, February 26, 2010

Composting Made Easy

Student volunteers and Physical Plant have made composting as easy as 1, 2, 3.

The Equation

1. Knowing what to compost PLUS
2. A 5 gallon bucket from PLUS
3. Taking out the trash (compostable material) to the Green Machine EQUALS

Reduced waste sent to public landfills+Degraded and eliminated pesticides in soil+ Minimized amount ofpollutants in stormwater runoff+ Reduced production of greenhouse gases*+

many other benefits!

So...What can you compost?
Tea bags, coffee grounds, cereals, grains, breads, fruits, vegetables, peels, cores, and eggshells.
Note: Please avoid composting overly processed grains and breads such as cooked pasta.

can't you compost?
Meat, dairy, oils, liquids, and non-organic items (plastic, metal, Styrofoam, etc.), and those plastic-like cups that claim to be 'compostable' rather than the more accurate term 'biodegradable.'

Compost Container Locations