Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Saving Energy in Your Dorm

Intrigued by the Wesleyan Energy Monitors? Interested in more ways to save energy in your dorm? Read on...

Energy monitors have appeared in residence halls across the Wesleyan campus this year, prompting mild curiosity and some confusion.

The Basics:
  • Wesleyan Energy Monitors (WEMs) measure total energy consumption in BTUs per square foot.
  • They display consumption on a 24-hour cycle. When you look at a WEM you see the total energy used between 12am that morning and the current time.
  • You also see the total amount of carbon that is being released into the atmosphere due to this energy usage.
  • Paying attention to your usage can help your dorm win a !GRAND ENERGY PRIZE!
For more information on the inspiration behind the program, see this informative Argus article.

Saving Energy:

Dorm life presents a unique opportunity for students to learn to regulate their energy consumption. Take advantage of this transition period, or risk dreading your monthly utility bill after graduation. That 24/7 decorative lighting, constantly turned-on laptop, and hot water laundry cost more than you think- for your paycheck and for the environment.


The bright clothes cycle, also known as the cold wash/ cold rinse cycle uses over 90% less energy than hot water and warm water cycles.

Price per load (electricity), based on water temperature

Wash/Rinse Setting

Electrical Use
Cost per load
Cost per year

Hot / Warm

4.5 kWh

Warm / Warm

3.5 kWh

Hot / Cold

2.8 kWh

Warm / Cold

1.9 kWh

Cold / Cold

0.3 kWh
Table is electrical cost only (excludes the cost of water, often 22¢/load). Top-loading washer.
Electricity @ 15¢/kWh, water heated electrically.

See how this was calculated.

You can maximize the cleaning potential of the cold water cycle by using laundry detergent specifically formulated for cold water use. To be especially healthy and environmentally friendly, choose concentrated laundry detergent free of petroleum distillates, phosphates, fragrances and dyes.

Subscribe to this blog for more tips on minimizing your energy consumption!

Table is credited to http://michaelbluejay.com/electricity/laundry.html