Monday, January 31, 2011

Tips to reduce your energy consumption!


-If the heat is on and feels too hot, don’t open windows—turn the heat down! Open windows are the biggest wood-frame energy-waster.
-Keep your heat on between 65o-70o during the winter.


-Always turn off the lights when you leave a room.
-Wesleyan-provided lighting is the most efficient but if you require additional lighting, use compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL). They use 75% less energy than conventional incandescent bulbs and last 10 times longer. They’re available for purchase at Weshop.
-Don’t leave your decorative lighting (string lights, etc) on all the time
-Just because you didn’t leave the light on doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be one to turn it off…turn living room/kitchen lights off when you see that no one’s using them.

In the Kitchen:

-Cover pots when cooking or boiling water
-Don’t use an extra refrigerator. Fridges use an extraordinary amount of electricity, and mini-fridges are even less efficient.
-Set fridge on lower settings: very cold settings use more energy and can spoil your food and make your beer explode.
-Buy plates and silverware rather than using plastics and try to use actual towels instead of paper ones
-Start composting…you can get a free bucket from the Composting Committee by emailing them at When its full, you just empty it into the Green Machine nearest you. Keep in mind that meat and dairy can’t be composted.
-If you’re having a small party, use your reusable cups. If you use solo cups, you can recycle them with other plastics.
-Warning: Plastic cups from Usdan Cafe/Pi may say that they are compostable but CANNOT be used in your personal composting bucket. They can, however, be recycled.
-Recycling is easy; any plastic that has the numbers 1-7 written inside the recycling triangle CAN be recycled. This includes plastic containers for sandwiches, yogurt, coffee-cup lids, etc.

Water Usage:

-Hot water comes from your house's internal combustion system, so it takes a lot of energy to produce—reduce your hot shower time by shaving/washing your face/brushing your teeth outside the shower.
-If it’s yellow let it mellow.
-Don’t leave the water on while you wash the dishes—wash the dish, turn the water on to rinse the dish.
-When you are doing laundry use the bright clothes cycle (it won’t change how your clothes look and will use less water)
-Use a laundry rack to dry your clothing/towels— The average home clothes dryer has a carbon footprint of approximately 2 kilograms (4.4 pounds) of CO2 per load of laundry dried


-One computer left on 24 hours a day dumps 1,500 pounds of CO2 into the atmosphere.
-Put your computer on standby/sleep—don’t use a screensaver
-Use power management features on your computer (>System Preferences >Energy Saver for Macs). Tell it to turn-off your screen after 5 minutes and go on stand-by after 15 minutes.


-Unplug when you’re not using it! Many electronics like chargers, laptop cords, printers, and speakers consume energy while plugged in—even if they aren’t “on”.
-Use a power strip or surge protector so you can just switch it off to turn off all those appliances.
-When you leave for break—unplug everything!

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